Ine is a quaint seaside village in the "Kyoto by the Sea" area, situated in northern Kyoto Prefecture. This charming village hugs the coastline of the Sea of Japan and is famous for its unique wooden boathouses, known as "funaya." These boathouses are a hallmark of Ine, celebrated for their distinct architecture and historical importance. This design blends practicality with beauty, showcasing the seamless integration of human life with nature. The boathouses of Ine are a designated Group of Historic Buildings, a category under Japan's Historic Preservation Act, further highlighting their cultural importance.
The funaya of Ine date back to the Edo period (1603 to 1868). Each boathouse has two levels: the lower floor is used to store fishing boats and gear, with the floor almost flush with the waterline, giving the impression that the houses are floating. This tranquil setting has made Ine a popular backdrop for television shows and films, capturing the essence of traditional Japanese coastal life.
Many of the boathouses have been transformed into cozy cafes, restaurants, and inns. For a deeper experience, visitors can even spend the night in one of these charming converted inns. To get a different view, you can take a guided tour, such as the Ine Bay Cruise or a ride on a water taxi, allowing you to see the boathouses from the water.
While exploring, it's also worth taking a cycling tour to learn about Ine’s rich past, or heading up to the roadside station perched above the village for a stunning aerial view of the boathouses. Remember, many funaya are still private homes, so it's important to be respectful of the locals as you wander through the village.
- Address
- Ine-cho, Yosa District, Kyoto Prefecture
- Access
- Bus: From Amanohashidate Station on the Kyoto Tango Miyatoya Railway Line, take Tankai Bus to Ine, approximately 60 minutes.
Head North by car for 45 minutes from Miyazu via National Route 178. Approx. 45 minutes from Kyoto-Jukan Expressway, take the Yosa Amanohashidate IC from Miyazu Yosa Road, and then go to National Route 176-178 - Parking
- Number of regular vehicles: 3 parking lots with a total of 109 car spaces (Municipal parking lot)(Charges: 8:00~20:59/30 mins for free, after the first 30 mins is 100 yen every 30 mins. 21:00~7:59/ 200 yen every 30mins.)
Number of large vehicles: 2 spaces (Municipal parking lot(Charges: 1000 yen per bus for getting on and off, 2000 yen per bus for parking. *within 2 hours)
Other parking lots:Roadside station "Funaya no sato Ine": 138 regular cars (free), 4 Full-size cars (free)